Knives and Sporting Goods
Vickie Lynn's Complete Guide Edible Plants
The Complete Guide to Edible Wild Plants - Department of the Army. 143 page paperback. Includes sections on plants for medicine and poisonous plants plus many color photos.
Vickie Lynn's Pocket Disaster Survival Guide
160 page paperback. What To Do When The Lights Go Out. By Harris Andrews and J. Alexander Bowers. Be ready for: Hurricanes and floods, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Wildfires, Terrorist attacks, Chemical emergencies, Winter storms. An all-emcompassing look at what is known about disasters and how to prepare for future emergencies. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Pocket First-Aid Field Guide
Treatment and Prevention of Outdoor Emergencies. 159 page paperback. By George E. Dvorchak, Jr., MD. Gives information on: Types of fractures, Sprains and strains, Suturing, Risk factors for heart disease, Eyes and ears safety, Mouth injuries, Allergic reactions, and much more. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Pocket Outdoor Survival Guide
The Ultimate Guide for Short-Term Survival by J. Wayne Fears. 142 page pocket size paperback. Includes chapters on Search and Rescue, Survival Kit, Weather, Trouble, Signals, Shelter, Building a Fire, Sleeping, Insects, Safe Water, Food, Hypothermia, Fear and other basic survival topics.
Vickie Lynn's Map Reading & Land Navigation
Headquarters of the Army. Paperback. Includes sections on: map reading, training strategy, parts of maps, marginal information and symbols, grids, scale and distance, direction, overlays, aerial photographs, land navigation, equipment and methods, elevation and relief, terrain association - desert - mountain - jungle - arctic - urban, mounted land navigation, field sketching, units of measure and conversion factors, orienteering, foreign maps, global positioning systems and much more.
Vickie Lynn's Survival
Headquarters - Department of the Army. 288 page paperback. Includes sections on Individual and Group survival; health and first aid; orientation and traveling; water; food; firemaking and cooking; survival in special areas; hazards to survival and much more.
Vickie Lynn's Knife Repair and Restoration
By Adrian A. Harris. 92 page paperback. Contains black and white photos and illustrations. Includes sections on: Safety rules; Parts of a knife; Types of blades; Small hand tool; Machinery; Grinding and Buffing; Assembly and Disassembly; Blades and springs; Pins, bolster scales and shields; Switchblades, lockbacks and rigid blades; Handle material; Heat treating, Make your own knife; Etching blades and more.
Vickie Lynn's The Navy SEAL Survival…
Handbook by Don Mann and Ralph Pezzullo. 248 page paperback. Includes information on jungle survival, mountain and arctic survival, desert survival, survival at sea, water, shelter and fire, food and hunting, weather, navigation, medicine and much more.
Vickie Lynn's Backyard Medicine
Harvest and Make Your Own Herbal Remedies by Julie Brunton-Seal & Matthew Seal. Includes nearly 300 color photographs and over 120 herbal remedies that you can make yourself. 206 page softcover.
Vickie Lynn's Boy Scouts Handbook
Reprint of the original 1911 edition. Includes sections on woodcraft; campcraft; tracks, trailing, signs and signaling; health and endurance; chivalry; first aid and life saving; games and athletic standards; patriotism and citizenship. 390+ page softcover.
Vickie Lynn's Bushcraft-The Ultimate Guide…
to Survival in the Wilderness by Richard Graves. Addresses all areas of survival and camping including: making ropes and cords; building huts and camp craft; finding food and water; mapmaking; starting fires; fashioning hunting and trapping gear; and much more. More than 400 diagrams, drawings, and photographs. 344 page softcover.
Vickie Lynn's The Ultimate Book of…
Everyday Knots by Geoffrey Budworth. Teaches overhand knots; figure eight knots; bowlines and sheet bends; crossing knots; and many other useful knots. Numerous full color photos and illustrations. 160 page softcover.