Knives and Sporting Goods
Vickie Lynn's U.S. Military Pocket Knives
From 1800 to the present. By Michael W. Silvey. 216 page hardback. A color celebration of the pocket knives of the U. S. Military and also features foreign-made models. Historical chronology beginning with the first folders of the early 1800s and ending with the high-tech knives of the twenty-first century. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Japanese Knife Sharpening
With Traditional Waterstones. By Rudolf Dick. 128 page spiral bound paperback. Step-by-step instructions on proper knife sharpening with over 120 color photos and black and white graphics for clarity. Also provides details on the care of all major blade types. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Making Full Tang Knives
Step-By-Step Manual from Design to the Finished Knife. By Stefan Steigerwald and Peter Fronteddu. 132 page spiral bound paperback. Instructions on how to build a fixed blade, full tang knife with detailed instructions and color photos and illustrations. All knives shown are variants of the same basic construction. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Guide to Knife/Axe Throwing
By Dieter Fuhrer. 102 page hardback. Learn how to throw all forms of projectiles from steel knives to hatchets and tomahawks. Includes information on making suitable targets, selecting the correct devices, tossing from all distances and positions, and throwing history. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Forging Japanese Knives
By Ernst G. Siebeneicher-Hellwig and Jurgen Rosinski. 120 page spiral bound paperback. Learn how to make two types of Japanese knives: a tanto (dagger) and a hocho (Chef's knife) using traditional techniques. Step-by-step images and clear instructions. Covers acquiring iron ore, building and using a bloomery furnace, forging the blades, fitting the blades with handles, and sharpening blades with water stones. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Knife Sharpening Made Easy
By Stefan Steigerwald and Peter Fronteddu. Teaches multiple methods for making your blades sharp as new. Starting with the theoretical foundations and mechanics of sharpening a blade. Step-by-step instructions for honing various types of knives with V-sharpeners, guided systems, rapid sharpeners, diamond files, sharpening steels, traditional stones, wet grinding, and belt sanders. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Damascus Steel
By Gunther Lobach. 176 page hardback book. Detailed, computer-generated illustrations and hundreds of photos to learn how to identify grain direction, properly execute torsion technique, and see the endless potential for forging patterns in Damascus steel. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Forging Damascus Steel
By Ernst G. Siebeneicher-Hellwig and Jurgen Rosinski. 104 page spiral bound paperback. Guide to a practical and budget-conscious approach to forging your own Damascus steel knives. Sketches, step-by-step instructions, tools and materials lists all to help you prepare and work through the project. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Making Hidden Tang Knives
By Heinrich Schmidbauer and Hans Joachim Wieland. 112 page spiral bound paperback. Beginner how-to guide instructions for making a fixed blade hidden tang knife with matching leather scabbard. Over 200 photos and diagrams with tools and materials lists and detailed instructions. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Making Integral Knives
By Peter Fronteddu and Stefan Steigerwald. 144 page spiral bound paperback. Instructions on how to design and build an integral knife made from a single piece of steel. From basic patterns and principles to technical solutions to various variations in design and process, for intermediate to advanced level knife makers. Over 350 photos and illustrations. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Pocketknife Making Beginners
By Stefan Steigerwald and Peter Fronteddu. 125 page spiral bound paperback. Step-by-step instruction manual for constructing a slip joint folder. Diagrams and color illustrations. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's The Lockback Folding Knife
By Peter Fronteddu and Stefan Steigerwald. 112 page spiral bound paperback. Illustrated instructions and over 200 color images detail all stages of the knife's construction. Bulk packed.