Vickie Lynn's Preppers Pantry
Build a Nutritious Stockpile to Survive Blizzards, Blackouts, Hurricanes, Pandemics, Economic Collapse, or Any Other Disasters. By Daisy Luther. Teaches about how to build a food supply in your home, how much food you need, how your pantry is related to your health, week by week plans, shopping lists, and menu ideas. 216 page paperback. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's The Herbalists Bible
John Parkinson's Lost Classic-82 Herbs and their Medicinal Uses. 256 page paperback. Features combined selections from Parkinson's book with modern commentary on how each plant is used today. A one-of-a-kind, comprehensive collection of herbal information old and new. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Total Survival
How to Organize Your Life, Home, Vehicle, and Family for Natural Disasters, Civil Unrest, Financial Meltdowns, Medical Epidemics, Political Upheaval. By James C. Jones. 178 page paperback. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Big Book Of Backyard Medicine
The Ultimate Guide to Home-Grown Herbal Remedies. By: Julie Brunton-Seal and Matthew Seal. 100 holistic, all-natural recipes and treatments. 445 page paperback. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Bushcraft Basics
A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook. By Leon Pantenburg. 250 proven tips to survive in any situation. Covers a wide range of topics including: Developing a survival mindset, Building a variety of shelters, Choosing clothing best suited to survival, Crafting survival kits, Effectively making a fire using different techniques. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Off Grid DIY Projects
Rain barrels, Chicken Coops, Solar Panels, and More. Edited by Noah Weinstein. 133 page paperback. Learn how to: Clip a chicken's wings; Power a lawn mower with solar power; Create a chicken tractor for the city; Water your garden with solar power; Build a thermoelectric lamp; Create an algae bioreactor from water bottles; and much more. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Foraging For Survival
Edible Wild Plants of North America. By: Mykel Hawke and Douglas Boudreau. Information includes: A list of different types of edible wild plants, Foraging techniques, Bugs and other grubs that can be consumed, Warning signs of poisonous plants, and more. 195 page paperback. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Green Beret Survival Guide
Advice on Situational Awareness, Personal safety, Recognizing threats, and avoiding terror and crime. By: Brian Morris. 246 page paperback. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Guide To Making Fire
Tips, Tactics, and Techniques for Starting a Fire in any Situation. By: Christopher Nyerges. 147 page paperback. Topics include: How to make a fire in the rain, The best locations to build a fire, Safety precautions, How to tend a fire, How to make a signal fire, and different ways to cook with fire. Boxed.
Vickie Lynn's Medicinal Plants At Home
More Than 100 Natural Remedies for Healing Common Ailments. By: Maria Transito Lopez Luengo and Carlota Manez. 237 page paperback. You will find a selection of plants from which you can create natural remedies for every occasion. Learn how to grow and use these medicinal plants, and discover what they can do to boost your family's health. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Pocket Guide Essential Knots
A Step-By-Step Guide to the Most Important Knots for Everyone. By: Peter Owen. 79 page paperback. Some knots in the book include: Overhand, Heaving line, Reef, Sheetbend, Fisherman's, Half-hitch, Constructor, Pile, Timber, and many more. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Pocket Guide Outdoor Knots
A Step-By-Step Guide to the Most Important Knots for Fisherman, Boaters, Campers, and Climbers. By: Geoffrey Budworth. 160 page paperback. Easy to follow, step-by-step diagrams and instructions for tying over eighty knots. More than three hundred full-color illustrations and photgraphs guide the reader through the stages of tying each knot correctly. Bulk packed.