Vickie Lynn's US Air Force Survival Handbook
The Portable and Essential Guide to Staying Alive. 578 page paperback. Includes expert advice on: First Aid for illness and injury, Finding your way without a map, Building a fire, Finding food and water, Using ropes and tying knots, Mountain Survival, Concealment Techniques, Signaling for help, Survival at sea, Building shelters, Animal tracking, Predicting the weather, and more. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's US Army Ranger Handbook
Produced by the U. S. Department of Defense. Paperback. Information on: Leadership, communications, Demolitions, Movement patrols, Mountaineering, Urban operations, Evasion and survival, Aviation, First aid, and more. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's U.S. Army Survival Handbook
Produced by the U. S. Department of Defense. Paperback. Information on: Shelters, Camouflage, First aid, Communications, Plant medicine, Signals, and more. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Ultimate Guide To Mushrooms
How to Identify and Gather Over 200 Species Throughout North America and Europe. By: Guillaume Eyssartier. Translated by: Grace McQuillan. 40 quick and easy recipes included. 342 page hardback. Information includes: Scientific names, Habitats, Life cycles, Anatomy, Spore dispersal, Poisoning symptoms, Collecting and storing, Uses in culinary cuisine, Historical and fun facts, and more. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Navigating Without a Compass
By Christopher Nyerges. 154 page paperback. Learn how to: Read a map, Make a sun dial, Make a star dial, Track celestial changes, Use clouds to predict weather changes, Gauge time through natural observation, and much more. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Wild Mushroom Handbook
A Cookbook and Foraging Guide. 115 recipes plus tips for harvesting and preserving. By: Kristen and Trent Blizzard, Creators of Modern Forager. 294 page hardback. Packed with content and lore from more than 20 foragers around the country. This book will help the reader learn the best ways to locate, clean, collect mushrooms. It will also discuss safety and edibility, preservation techniques, flavor profiles, and more. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's The Prepper's Pantry Handbook
How To Plan and Cook Nutritional Emergency Meals. By Kate Rowinski. 166 page paperback. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Backyard Medicine 2nd Edition
By Julie Bruton-Seal and Matthew Seal. 224 page paperback. Updated and expanded 2nd edition. Researched and written by a practicing medical herbalist and natural healer. Features more than 120 easy herbal home remedies and fully illustrated with over 300 color photographs. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Trapping 101
A Complete Guide to Taking Furbearing Animals. By Philip P. Massaro and Philip J. Massaro. 165 page paperback. Learn all the secrets of the trade: Where and how to set traps, Understanding and using common types of traps, Using proper scents, and How to control your own scent and much more. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Encyclopedia Natl Remedies
Edited by Abigail R. Gehring. 376 page paperback. More than 100 remedies and recipes for vibrant heath. Contains information on: Natural healing for common ailments, Cooking with superfoods, Juices and cleanses, Edible wild plants, Natural cleaners for the home, Homemade non-toxic cosmetics, Anti-inflammatory foods and much more. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's Green Beret Survival Manual
438 page paperback. By: Mykel Hawke. Essential strategies for shelter and water, food and fire, tools and medicine, navigation and signaling, survival psychology, and getting out alive. Bulk packed.
Vickie Lynn's U.S. Army Survival Manual
428 page paperback. Revised and Updated by Colonel Peter T. Underwood USMC (Ret). Ideal for military personnel and all outdoor enthusiasts. From the psychology of survival and basic medicine to personal camouflage and signaling techniques. Information on poisonous snakes and lizards, edible plants, and cloud formations as predictors of weather. Bulk packed.